Monday, 30 November 2015

Dancing at the Savoy tonight at the Gala ball to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Frank Sinatra and support a charitable cause. Join me on this occasion and brush up on your dancing tonight!

Dear Friends, let me invite you to a sophisticated dinner dance ball at the Savoy in London in the company of a glamorous cosmopolitan audience who is united by their passion for Frank Sinatra’s songs and a charitable engagement.  

Tonight, we will be performing a dance show to pay tribute to the most iconic American jazz singer, Frank Sinatra, for his 100th anniversary.
The profits of this Gala event are going to Variety – the Children’s charity, to help disadvantaged children to have a better chance in life.
It is a great honor for me to support this cause, because of the personal story of my brother, who has lost his mobility after a sports accident. In that difficult moment, we were embraced by the hearts of generous and loving people. This still inspires me until now to give back my love and support to those who need that ‘little something’ to gather their strength and look forward with their next challenge with a smile on their face. To buy a ticket for this event, follow this link:
Frank Sinatra Celebration Dinner
30th November 2015, 7pm, at the Savoy Hotel, London

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